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Trace across the world

Go around the world from home!

The project in a nutshell

Visit the Website

Discover the project and understand the rules.

Travel with Trace

To help him get closer to the next stage of his planned journey.
Mind you, Trace doesn't fly!

Contact your community

To find someone to help Trace continue his journey.

Take a selfie

With Trace and the person to whom you entrust the mascot.
Or alone with Trace, if you're close to one of the milestones.

Share on Instagram

To introduce you to the other team members, and let them follow Trace's journey.

Trace Mascot


Welcome to the "Trace across the world" project


The Trace mascot is equipped with a tracking system to follow its trail around the globe. Setting out from Lyon in France in October 2023, Trace will travel around the world, passing from hand to hand among the carriers who will take her on her journey.


How does it work?

The Trace itinerary is defined and passes through symbolic stopover towns around the world.

Mind you, Trace has decided to make this long journey without flying and will have to take the boat to cross the oceans!


On this site, you'll be able to:
- follow the mascot's journey
- learn more about the project
- join the Trace community's Instagram page
- join the WhatsApp group to help find future carriers for Trace

For reasons of confidentiality, the location displayed is approximate to within 2km, so that the wearer cannot be precisely located.

Lama on a bike

The rules

You've just received the Trace mascot. You have joined the TraceAcrossTheWorld team as they embark on the crazy adventure of touring the world with it!

Here are the few rules that will guide you on how you can help us!

  • Trace's next destination is :


  • Are you going in the right direction in the next few days? Keep Trace with you and take her forward as best you can. It's okay if you don't make it exactly to the next destination. The important thing is to get Trace moving in the right direction.

Even a few kilometers are a big help to Trace! On the way, it would be great if you could take a photo or video of yourself with the mascot Trace in front of a place you particularly like and would like to show us! And remember: Trace doesn't fly!

  • You don't think you can help Trace move on? Don't panic! Go straight to the next step.
Trace Mascot

  • Now it's time to pass the baton. Look for someone you know who will go in the right direction to bring Trace closer to his next destination.

  • Don't you know anyone who can help us? You have three options

Contact the WhatsApp group .
We may be able to help you find someone close to you to help you move Trace forward.
Go to the nearestyouth hostel and explain the project to the people there.
There's sure to be some travelers interested in taking part in the adventure!
Go back a few miles to find someone who might be interested! Better to step back to pass the baton than to stop!

  • When you pass on the mascot, be sure to give it to someone motivated by the project. Show her this site with all the explanations so that she has all the information she needs to continue the adventure!

  • Before you leave, take a picture of the two of you with the mascot and send it to us here!

Instagram Mascot

Special cases

  • Trace has chosen not to fly for this trip. To cross the seas, you'll have to find a dedicated sailor in the nearest port!

  • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send an e-mail to the contact address (traceacrosstheworld@gmail.com) or post a message on the project's WhatsApp !

Next destination



The Trace mascot is equipped with an AirTag to track its position. If you own an iPhone, you may receive a message explaining that an AirTag not belonging to you is near you.

To respect the anonymity and privacy of Trace wearers, the position displayed on the site is generated randomly within a 2 km radius of the mascot's position.

As part of the European RGPD regulation, you can request the deletion of location data. Send an e-mail to , specifying the period during which you were in possession of the Trace mascot.